A Word from Laurie
The paintings from the last 10 years are part of a series of acrylics on canvas that I call "Windows". The symbol of the window is representative of my learning to look up and to see out and to see in.
Each of these paintings has been saturated with 50 layers of transparent colors that reflect my own spiritual journey. I am inspired by prayer and gospel music and always pray before I begin painting. For me, the light is the healing, however, the light has no boundary without its relationship to the dark. Many of these paintings are my attempts to reconcile my own darkness with focused areas of penetrating light. There are so many subtle levels of darkness in each of us that need to be illuminated. The boundaries of the rectangle or square canvasses, and the transparent layers of color are a metaphor of my spiritual search.
Being an artist has truly been a gift in my life. I have learned to process my quest for faith by looking through windows in an attempt to see through to the other side.
Laurie Zagon
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